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Breast massage woman files charges after learning masseur was not gay

A US woman who had a breast massage from a masseur she thought was gay has filed criminal charges against him after learning that he has a girlfriend.

The 20-year-old woman, of New Jersey city, said she allowed the therapist to remove all of her clothes and massage her breasts and buttocks at a Downtown health club last week.

She said she had consented when he asked if she wanted her “breasts and glutes” massaging.

She said she felt uncomfortable but agreed because she thought he was gay and he had told her the intimate massage was normal practice.

But after being told that he had a girlfriend and that breast massage was not usual, she informed her family and made a complaint to police of sexual criminal contact.

The 30-year-old suspect has not been named. He appeared in court via video-link from Hudson County jail last Thursday. Reports said he appeared “shocked” at the charge.

According to police filings, the club manager said the suspect claimed that the massage was usual practice.

He has now been released and will appear at court again at a later date.

Another massage therapist, Joel Lewis, told the Jersey Journal that while massage of the buttocks or glutes was usual, practitioners must obtain a special certificate to perform breast massage.