Ahahaha. The intention of these photos are mostly based on outward appearances which i was avoiding earlier. But I think it would be okay to just express what type of look i'd prefer : ) Prefer, not like. Prefer =)

To start up. I'm gonna make it clear that i prefer asian guys. Maybe someone tall, with good features and a great body, great proportional body ; ) Fair or tanned skin doesnt matter. Oh, i'd love dreamy eyes, I'm a sucker for dreamy eyes : )

This guy looks kinda cool. right? :)
Doesnt know who he is, but im guessing hes a famous dude, since i found his picture from Google. But.. Not so famous to think of it, since obviously not everyone knows him. I'm so sorry if a fan of his happens to be reading this, i am sorry. I really am :)
This next picture is hilarious. It's hair based.

I mean, come on! The first picture is totally insane. He has cute eyes, but his hair is totally wrong. The second picture isnt that much better, but its better than the first. Oh and btw, its the same person. :) cute eh. I think maybe its because in the first picture his hair is too high up and way too big for his face, but if you look at it longer it actually looks kind of cute-ish. Bottom line. The second picture would only really be "Hot" if the small coloured centre of the hair be gone.

(below) Ahaha. i'd just go ''crazyy" for this guy.
His amazingly Hot, and handsome :)

Love his hair, Love his smile, Love how he works his charm on me =)

He has exquisite features. He is just perfect. ahaha. and he is also tall!

Oh, This one is also hair based.

The middle one is hot, The third one is cute :) Both are better than the first. But some guys do look good in those kind of hairstyle, It depends i guess.
Ahaha. get the picture?

(below) Guys to die for :)

L.O.V.E his smile. He is just so cute. Plus, his hair is a bonus, He just looks so cute in it :)
Guys whom are all just smiles are always so charming. ( but not some who have those creepy smiles )
And this guy is adorable =)

Yeap. This guy is cute too =D
hes cute, and i love his hair! Cute smile. Cute eyes :) nice skin i guess. HAHAHA.

Last but not least.


A guy must be taller than the girl. Must!

(happy?) (you know im talking about you. Yes you! :))

And if someone had hair like this (the one above). I'd so much rather him be bald (the one below)
Yeap. bald is better :)

Body #19 (2007)

Synopsis - IMDB
Photos - Google

Chon is suffering from nightmares. He tries not to sleep because he's scared of a girl that he sees each night in his dreams. In the dreams, the girl screams for help before she is cruelly killed. Ae, Chon's sister is worried about the illusion that Chon sees in his dreams, so she introduces him to a psychiatrist. Chon tries to prove that what he sees is not just the illusion. Finally, Chon is right when some clues in his nightmares lead him to a morgue number 19. And now, the story of the dead body inside the morgue is gradually revealed.

After my complaint of the Thai movie, Scared, I decided to take my chance on another Thai movie. This time, it is Body #19. I don't watch many Thai movies, but for the ones that I do watch - Horror is the genre.

After watching the first ten minutes of the movie, I have to admit, I thought I was watching a Korean horror movie. The way the movie executes the storytelling is brilliant. It leads you wondering what is going on and about to happen.

Not only does the script seem "Korean-like," I felt the guy who played Chon, Arak Amornsupasiri, has that Korean look. You can call me sterotyping or whatever. But this is my blog, and that's just my opinion :) What I also learned about Arak is he's the lead singer of the Thai rock bank, Slur. Arak did a wonderful job portraying the confused, naive Chon.

When a movie makes me re-think about what happens and re-evaluate the circumstances and sequences, then I really enjoyed it. Enjoyed the script and narration of how the movie is unfolded. The dream sequences were done well and gave me chills down my spine.
Right when I thought the movie will end, I was proven wrong again. Wow. Great performances from all the cast members.

Besides the unique, brilliant script, the movie is very gory and graphic. Definitely worth a watch for horror fans.

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Favorite Guy From Canadian Idol: Jacob Hoggard

Hedley (Above)

I have not watched a full episode of Canadian Idol, but I have downloaded a few episodes and watched a few performances on YouTube. I really liked Jacob Hoggard who came in third in the shows second season. Jacob is a unique talent and currently leads the Canadian group Hedley, whom I really like. Jacob also likes to show his Hedley tattoo, which is nice given where it is at.

Hot Six Pack Abs Model Brent Van Zant

Fitness & Underwear Model

Brent Van Zant is a 28 year old fitness and underwear model who has on the covers of Men's Fitness and DNA magazines.