Blog Archive

Sorry for the flood of weird messages...!

A last look before flying...

And here we are back in the UK - after the most *fantastic* 5 days in Amsterdam with my Handler, my Master, and my friend (not to mention the most perfect tour-guide a virgin-traveler could wish for - 'Code 05' or not ;) ).

Unfortunately, my network charges extortionate amounts for roaming Internet access - and i couldn't get a stable connection to the free wireless at our hotel on my phone - and so i didn't manage to post the daily updates that i'd hoped and promised (and those that i tried, went weirdly haywire...!). Don't worry though: Handler and i are comparing notes - and a sequence of entries should be up here shortly.

In the meantime: my thanks to MasterCharles, LeatherScott and their puppy, Conig, the wonderful men at Mr B, Black body and Rob - and the people of Amsterdam itself: you really do have the most beautiful city i have ever had the pleasure to visit, and i hope to have the pleasure of your company again soon!